Tuesday, April 14, 2009


So this is what happens when my sister and BIL leave their kids with me for an evening. I spent most of the evening chasing them around with my camera and of course b/c they knew I wanted them to sit still, they did the exact opposite. Although, I think Richie is finally getting the hang of modeling for me. haha They are the cutest kids an Aunt could ever ask for. Don't you just want to eat them up?

and introducing the new addition to their family Johann (I think that's how you spell it; if it's wrong, I can guarantee that BIL will leave a comment correcting me. hahaha)

FYI...I did not pose them like this. The two dogs were just lying there like that and Richie took it upon himself to mimic them. I'm just dying over how cute they all are. Too bad Chloe would not cooperate. hahaha


  1. http://www.baseball-reference.com/players/s/santajo02shtml

  2. i love the last photo with richie and the dogs! Uh, what's with rjl's link that doesn't even work...SOMEONE isn't taking this comment section and your newfound passion seriously! hahahahah!

  3. That picture of Bailey, Richie, and the cat is so cute!

  4. I like the one with Johan going, "Yo, wassup wit' you, Baileydogg? Why am I the size of your head?"

    Richie is a riot, and Chloe's cheeks are so munchable.

  5. The third picture of Chloe in the black and white is so cute! Great job all the pictures look great.

  6. I just realized the white fur ball was Johan! I thought it was a flower... oops.
