Saturday, August 22, 2009

Dave+Irene Wedding

This should've been posted a few weeks ago. August 8, 2009 to be exact...since that was the day of their wedding, but alot's been going on and finally I sat myself down to get it done. I have to say that I had a blast at their wedding. They are the cutest couple. C'mon, what other groom would throw his bride over his shoulder and carry her in to the reception hall like a prized possession? ;) Sadly, I did not get that shot b/c my flash batteries were dying. Big lesson learned for next time.

The last photo I took before my camera shut down.

The ringboy doing his "catwalk thang". He stole the show at that moment and had us all laughing hysterically. ok well, maybe I was the only one who was actually hysterical. haha One photo could not do this moment justice. So here is the play by play.

me and my sis.

The happy, soon to be married couple.
The fun table that I was sitting at.
Mister Softee taking time out to pose for me.

1 comment:

  1. omgsh susan i love the pics. can u be my wedding photog? :P miss u!!
