Monday, July 20, 2009

Bethany Picnic

This weekend we had some beautiful weather!! It was the perfect day for a picnic and picture taking. Unfortunately, I didn't take that many pictures. haha But I just love the sky in this one!!

Here are some Chloe and Dave series.

Cute little Dallas!

Mags and me. After seeing this photo, I'm beginning to not like my bangs anymore.


  1. That sky IS incredible! I really like the colors in those pics. And Chloe is, as always, SO photogenic. She really has the makings of a model.

    But I think we all want to see more pictures of Richie getting in trouble. Haha! JK.

  2. hahaha! dave you are too funny!
    but seriously! AWESOME pix! as usual, i want those pix of chloe & dave!! they came out so good! theresa

  3. i love the color of the chloe & dave pics!
