Monday, June 29, 2009

Bethany Retreat

Saw this random "bike" and thought it was the cutest thing. Don't know exactly what to call it b/c it's not really a bike and not really a scooter.

I can't decide if I'm more fascinated by the bokeh on my lens or by the flowers themselves.

Group photo from the Bethany Retreat:

Yes I am aware that I look pregnant, and no I am not pregnant. It's just a really bad angle and some bad shadowing.

See that "tall" guy sticking out at the upper right hand corner? That's Paul, apparently, he's a jupming bean. hahaha
Here's a closeup crop of him jumping. Hilarious!!!


  1. Um, you better not be pregnant. Especially not less than 5 months pregnant... Haha!

  2. it makes it even funnier how Paul Pak is jumping while doing the Showtime pose hahaha

  3. :) love the lense pic ;) pauls crazy ;) -mc

  4. Hahah so funny! -Eva
