Wednesday, July 31, 2013

River is ONE!! 1st Birthday - DC/ NOVA - Newborn/ Child/ Family Photographer

Finally, the day has more mashing baby food, no more mixing baby formula, no more stressing about food allergies (well, sorta), and hopefully, no more being trapped in the house because of River's two naps a day...well, that will be in the near future.  So, she is on whole milk now and though she is not a fan of it, she drinks it only out of Hunter's cup.  That part cracks me up!  I think it all boils down to River wanting whatever Hunter has.  She has gotten really good at waving hi/ bye, and she says "umma" (mom) quite frequently.  She refuses to eat anything but what is on my plate so before she even turned one, she was already eating salmon, tilapia, steak, pasta, and whatever gourmet dishes I cook up every night.  haha  (jk, I don't cook gourmet meals)  She STILL only has two bottom teeth, which makes me wonder, "How the heck is she chewing all this food?"  That is why God is a Master Creator.  Because even though things sometimes seem impossible, He made it all possible.  And though there are times I worry about her development and wonder why she still has no teeth or hair, I know our Father and Creator knows exactly the amount of hair on River's head and will raise her up to a Beloved Child of God with body parts and all.  
So finally, here is my little princess.  She still can not stand on her own, though she's done it for a few seconds here and there, so I propped her up on a box.  She is a moving target so it worked out well.  She was too afraid to move.  haha  

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CAKE SMASH!!  ok so I didn't have an extra cake so we had to use a cupcake.  Her birthday cake was made of fondant so I don't think there would've been much smashing with that one.
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Here are photos from her party, which yours truly styled all on my own and spent countless months handmaking all these decorations.  And I wish I could say I'm glad it's all over, but I have a second party planned for her in a week.  I guess I'll be getting good use out of my decorations.
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Ok so everyone wants family photos...but instead of posting the usual boring ones, I thought I would post the bloopers.  The shots that no one ever sees because it's not worth paying for.
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Ok so I was so busy being mom, party planner, and photographer that I forgot to sing Happy Birthday to River before they cut the cake!!!  I was not happy.  So we lit up a cupcake instead.
The two miracles that God has gifted us with.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Newborn - DC/ Nova, Newborn/ Child/ Family Photographer

This is sweet, little Charlotte.  At only 2 weeks old, she was very alert.  It was actually quite funny how she kept looking around wondering what we were doing.  I am surprised that I have photos of her with her eyes closed because I felt like she was awake most of the time.  And then every so often, she'd let out a cry of protest because all she really wanted to do was be held by her mom.  
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Tuesday, July 2, 2013

River...11 Months - DC/ Virginia Newborn/ Child/ Family Photographer

Here she beauty!  I normally hate posting multiple shots of one pose and so have been trying really hard to edit myself.  But I just couldn't help it this time.  It's so hard to edit when you are in love with your subject.  I can't believe she is already 11 months.  Planning her 1 year party has pretty much taken over my life.  So I always have to stop and remind myself to relish every moment with her and not be consumed by unimportant things.  I shared last month that she was having weight gain issues.  I'm happy to say that she is finally gaining weight steadily.  Though I am starting to realize that being small is just how she is.  She drinks about 30 oz of formula a day, in addition to table foods, and she still is pretty small, weighing in at only 19 lbs today.  On another note, she hates baby food and only wishes to eat what I am eating.  So we have moved on to table foods and I'm basically stuck with a box full of baby smoothie pouches that I don't know what to do with.  Still no sign of wanting to stand or walk, which is quite odd because a few months ago, all she did was want to stand.  Now when I try to make her stand, she pulls up her legs.  But she has gotten really good a cruising on furniture now.  I guess she doesn't want to grow up too fast. 
River started raising her hands in the air when I say "Hallelujah!"  It's something we taught Hunter too.  I guess when you are raised in a christian home, that's a must!  haha. She also loves to clap her hands and wave hi. 
Let the countdown to her birthday begin!! 
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Monday, July 1, 2013

Growing Up Hunter - DC/ Virginia Newborn/ Child/ Family Photographer

Look at this face!!  I just want to bite his chubby cheeks every day.  Luckily, I'm not a carnivore.  LOL He is now 2yrs and 9 months old.  The reason why I don't post more photos of him is because as he gets older, he has less tolerance for taking photos.  He laughs as he starts bolting away from me the minute he sees me take out my camera.  He has a crazy imagination and wild personality.  He is also a doting older brother, but don't get me wrong, he does occasionally torture his younger sister, River.  Even at this young age, he has a great sense of humor and is constantly saying things that shock our pants off.  He keeps the laughter alive in our family.  It's also amazing to see all the things he learned in his preschool.  I had no idea he could do have the things he does, until the teachers started telling me.  And then when I would ask him to do it at home, he would do it.  For example, he has the Lord's Prayer memorized and this preschool poem called All Things Bright and Beautiful.  He has all that memorized.  Amazing what a 2 1/2 yr old brain can absorb and spit out.  He amazes me.  I am so honored and proud to be his mom.  Love you little guy!
