Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Wedding PaeBaek - DC/ Alexandria/ NoVa, Family/ Child/ Newborn Photographer

This was a very busy past week for us. First we drove up to the Pocono Mountains and went on a short ski/ water park family trip with my sisters. The kids absolutely loved it!!! Though I think I may have enjoyed the water park more than my 2 yr old, Hunter. River as always was very compliant with everything that we did; even if it meant being lugged around in my Ergo wrapped up in a puffy infant snowsuit in 30 degree weather. She is seriously my dream baby! Then after that, we celebrated my sister-in-law's wedding. It was quite a celebration. I have to say that even though I didn't know about 95% of the people there, this just might have been favorite wedding. It's all because of this great band named Touch...or The Touch. They were awesome!!! I mean, beyond awesome. Any band who can sing Gangnam Style and can sound exactly like PSY even though they are of a completely different race, is a true talent in my book. So there is this old Korean tradition called a PaeBaek where you get dressed up in traditional Korean garb and do all kinds of silly things like tossing chestnuts and going on piggy back rides and drinking tea. I won't bother explaining b/c it would take up half my post so I'll leave it up to you to google. And since pictures mean a thousand words, I'll let my pictures do the talking. 
 Congratulations Susan and James!! IMG_4375B IMG_4374B IMG_4364B IMG_4355B IMG_4330B IMG_4323B IMG_4294B IMG_4372C2

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Friday, February 15, 2013

New Year...New Baby...Welcome Ian! DC/ Alexandria/ NoVa, Family/ Child/ Newborn Photographer

Ok, this photo session happened almost 2 months ago.  My sister gave birth to her first son, Ian.  He was born exactly on New Year's Day!!  I actually drove up 4 hours just so I could photograph this little guy.  He was so tiny.  I actually forgot how tiny newborns are.  He was a dream!!!!!!  I know I've only photographed a handful of newborns, but he was seriously the best!!  He never once cried, which made me want to never stop, but his mom wanted him back eventually.  I hope to see you again soon Ian!!
Mom refused to take pictures, but I twisted her arm to take this one.  