Monday, October 25, 2010

Meet Hunter!

I can't believe the day has finally come for me to post pictures of my newborn son, Hunter. He is now 2 weeks old, and I just can't stop staring at him. Between all the feedings and sleepless nights, I managed to squeeze in a photo shoot with him. It didn't last as long as I wanted b/c he started to lose his patience with me. Luckily, I had plenty of shots before all hell broke loose. :D


Thursday, October 21, 2010

My new bundle of joy

Say hello to my first newborn son, Hunter Kim. He is now 10 days old and has completely taken over my life. I can't stop staring at him!!! I never thought I could love someone so much. Let the photo-taking begin!! Here's an early snippet of two test shots I took. More to come...VERY soon!!!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Richie Portraits

Meet Richard Jr, my nephew. He's a total ham, but I still had to bribe him to take these photos. I can't remember what I bribed him with probably involved playing video games with him. hahaha These are the last of the portraits I took while I was in NJ visiting my family. Oh I miss these guys so much!!!


Saturday, October 2, 2010


So as I wait impatiently for the arrival of our baby boy, I've decided to distract myself by doing some DIY projects for the Nursery. One of which involved a dresser.

An $8 dresser bought on craigslist to be exact. Before:

After a new paint job and new handles. I think this was well worth the money.
Don't you think?

More photos of the nursery to come...when I'm done. Hopefully I won't go into labor before I'm done.